- Open above BRN and sold off; stalled at 7475 now
- As NF in neutral zone; will try to trade extremes, once range formed
- Stalled at 7475 which acted as flip for most of yesterday’s move
- BOF of 7475 can be traded(?).. will let this signal go away, i am not sure
- Oops above signal turns good, anyways will wait for next PA at PDH or BRN
- Those who entered direct BO of BRN (or) DO, where do they place SL??... might be below 7526 (PB low).. but i can't trade this, as it is not a well established range as of now (to invite fresh shorts) or a prominent DP.. at max what would have happen.. only some profit booking..not worth to take a direct BO trade..will wait and see
- After BO of BRN, range formed 7543-25 & broke below RL
- Now BPB of RL signal, entry could be at 7517 with initial sl 7528 and FTA BRN 7500
- Hesitated and missed this trade as well; Will look for next signal at BRN now
- I would have taken above trade confidently, had it been BOF of RH as it comes with trapped traders
- Trade 1 (11:39 candle): BPB of BRN short at 7495 with initial SL 7505; FTA 30 points away
- Moved SL to 7493 (to cost) as 7475 broken
- Expect one more attempt to concur 7475 will be made and fail, their by giving us next swing high or pb high to trial SL.. so that swing point what i am assuming now is mental sl
- Yesterday after BOF of RN.. nifty rallied 50 points.. origin of good move & now a pin bar formed at same level.. let's see if NF do sudden reverse from here
- Moved SL to 7484; above high made while attempt to broke 7475
- Exited with gain of 9 points
- BRN acted as midpoint so far today; will not jump on to trade, expect to consolidate for any next decisive move
- Now reached the point where morning sell off happend; 7525.. tough PA today.. will sideline for PA at DH
- Nifty formed Inverted U pattern so far & expected to shape into ‘Sign Wave’ pattern.. TEE HEE; i discovered a new pattern today ;)
- Don't expect a trade form now; Done for today
Net : +9